PYD and ENKS take orders from Qandil and Erbil, party head tells KurdPress

The head of the "Kurdayati Movement" in Syria said that the announcement of the preliminary agreements between the Syrian pro-Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the Syrian Kurdish National Council (ENKS) was only at the request of the United States, because the Trump administration wants to highlight this issue in the upcoming presidential elections and also legitimize its presence in Syria.

Referring to the future of talks between the ENKS and the PYD-affiliated Kurdish Patriotic Union Parties (PYNK), Hassan Sheikho, a veteran politician and critic of Syrian Kurdistan and the head of the Kurdayati Movement in Syria (TKS), told KurdPress in an interview that the talks were not conducted in favor of the benefit of the Kurds in Syria.

He continued: "There is no basis in their negotiations, whether in the past, present or future, and the two sides have come together under pressure from the United States and the West and Kurdish public opinion, so that they may be able to pressure the central government and the opposition for negotiation.”

"There is no political agreement on the ENKS and the PYD agenda and their decisions come from Qandil and Erbil. For any dialogue, Qandil and Erbil must first agree. Therefore, there is no hope for dialogue between them because national interests are not the basis of their negotiations,” the politician further said.

The head of the Kurdayati Movement in Syria further added: "A year has passed since the beginning of the talks between them under US pressure, but these talks have not led to any practical action. The announcement of preliminary agreements between them was only at the US request because the Trump administration wants to use it to highlight this issue in its favor in the US elections and to legitimize its presence in Syria.”

Hassan Sheikho pointed out that: "These movements do not care about the nation and as they have not achieved results before, they are still the same people today and they will not achieve anything. They have been in power in Syrian Kurdistan for nine years now. Thee have surrendered the control of 50 percent of Syrian Kurdistan to Turkey and reduced the economic situation of the people to the lowest level. These movements do not concern the people.”

"People have not learned to criticize and demand, and have only been amused by using the words of 'hope' and ‘clapping’ for these movements. As long as the people do not take their demands seriously, these movements will not make the demands of the people as the basis of their policy,” the party leader concluded.

Reporter’s code: 50101

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