KRG delegation arrives in Baghdad for talks on oil issue

A delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) visited Baghdad on Monday, June 6, for talks on the oil dispute between the federal government and the KRG.

The KRG delegation has asked the federal government to stop bringing oil-producing firms in the Kurdistan Region to court.
The supreme court ruled in February the KRG’s oil and gas law was against the Iraqi constitution and has challenged the Region’s contracts with international oil companies.
The delegation has also asked for Iraq's State Organization for Marketing Oil (SOMO) to amend internal procedures and for the company’s vice president in the Kurdistan Region to be KRG’s representative.
In addition, the delegation is requesting two other KRG representatives to be part of the company’s administration.
Representatives from the federal government and the KRG have also held other meetings and Baghdad has asked for a company in the Kurdistan Region to be established to run oil sales.
Reporter's code: 50101

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