Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) spokesman Mustafa Karasu appealed to all workers and those who believe in democracy to stand with the Kurdish people against Turkey’s illegal invasion and occupation of the Kurdistan Region.
“Our struggle is not only a struggle for the freedom of the Kurdish people. It is a struggle for the freedom of all peoples in Turkey and throughout the Middle East,” he said in a statement sent to the Morning Star.
“The US, Europe and the other Nato member states are actively supporting the current attack by the Turkish state. They support it in order to be able to use the Turkish state for their own interests.
“These countries, which call themselves democratic, are thus supporting the most fascist government in the world,” he added.
Turkey launched Operation Claw Lightning on April 23, the anniversary of the 1915 Armenian genocide, in which 1.5 million men, women and children were systematically exterminated by Ottoman Turkish forces.
The latest military operation followed a phone call between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his US counterpart Joe Biden.
Senior officials from the Turkish government visited Germany and Britain last month, with KCK officials telling the Morning Star that they had given the “green light” to Turkey’s invasion.
Ankara has been accused of using chemical weapons, as exposed in the Morning Star, to abject silence from the international community.
Hundreds of Kurdish villagers have been forced to flee incessant bombing while Turkey is accused of shipping in jihadists and their families from neighbouring Syria as part of an attempt to enforce demographic change.
But NATO's second-largest army has been met by fierce resistance from guerilla fighters, who have vowed to fight until the last drop of blood to prevent a genocide of the Kurdish people.
Kurdish forces have defended their right to resist after a series of attacks on military bases inside Turkey last week grounded fighter jets, stopping them from carrying out bombing raids on the Kurdistan Region.
Drone strikes on the Diyarbakir airfield on Tuesday caused major damage, while similar operations by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militia on Thursday night targeted a drone base in Turkey’s Batman province and a gendarmerie unit in Sirnak, which borders the Kurdish region in the north of Iraq.
Turkey’s war is opposed by most forces in the region, including the Kurdistan Communist Party — Iraq, the Iraqi Communist Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK).
Karasu urged people to unite against the Turkish invasion.
“Long live the solidarity and the common struggle of all revolutionary-democratic forces of the peoples of the world,” he said.
Reporter's code: 50101

Kurdish forces called for international solidarity against Turkish warmongering activities which they said are being carried out on behalf of imperialist powers, including NATO.
News Code 941
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